Small Business Ideas for You to Be Planning to Retire in the Near Future

Small Business Ideas for You to Be Planning to Retire in the Near Future

Often, people who are nearly at the retirement time worry about themselves, how to support themselves when they have been retired? But, starting a small business or sideline business may be one way to make your stay ‘alive’ and busy. And of course, a business planning idea will help you make a little more income. However, to choose exactly the right small business is also a matter. It is important to choose the right business if money is your concern.

You can have a choice like opening a restaurant or a food stall, but it is actually a very bad idea. It requires your time more, more or less 60 hours. And this is of course not a small business since it will take much of your time and you will feel like not in the retirement time. So, here are some examples of small business planning after retiring you can consider.

Small Business Planning for You Who Will Retire in the Near Future

1 ) Pet Care


Pet does matter. People who love animal will put their concern on their pet so much. So, if you love some pets such as cat, dog, parakeet, etc, this small business is the right one for you. Some people need to go for a business or whatsoever, and they need to leave their pet alone. Dog, for example, need a little walk when being left by the master. So, you can open a small business in looking after the pets. This business is good since it requires a little more than other business card and some good word of mouth as well as social media activities.

2 ) Selling Good Old Stuff


Another business plan for retire people is selling the old stuff which is still good. Whether you love keeping and collecting some things, this is the time to share to others. But, don’t sell the good stuff you have like a garage sale. You need to be wise in grouping the stuff you have and then sell the stuff by season. By doing this, you business planning idea will work since you will be sure to have better sale as you could target the particular need of some people in the season which you are selling the good old stuff.

3 ) Buying Property to be Rented


Another business planning idea for you who nearly get retired is buying a property to be rented. The rental income is said as pure and passive income. You can outsource routine maintenance work in the rental property to the others. If you own the resources, of course, you could buy property. You can make use of the package of retirement to fund the mortgage. It requires little maintenance since you only need to check and visit monthly at most.

So, those are some small business which you can consider in your old times. They require less time, but the income will be guaranteed. From having a pet care business to buying a property to rent, which business you choose best?

Description: Business planning idea needs someone in expert to be the advisor. So, maybe you can list some option and your budget then consult it with a business consultant.

Hello Fresh Graduate; This is How Arrange your First Salary Wisely

Hello Fresh Graduate; This is How Arrange your First Salary Wisely

Getting some tips and ideas on how to arrange your first salary is such the helpful thing since no matter how much money we get, if we could not manage it well and wisely, it will get run out easily. That is why anyone needs to manage the salary properly especially for your first salary in which you have the lack of info and experience on dealing with it. Of course, it is something exciting to receive your first salary but you need to also remember that the salary that you have received need to be used properly.

You have to manage it well and wisely, so that it would not run out quickly and without you could not know where it goes. Another essential thing which you need to remember is that you need the money for struggling in the next one month or about 30 days from your first salary. So, you need to arrange or manage the money well so that it would not spend all of your money long before your next payday. That becomes the reason why we need to manage the money properly and wisely especially for you the fresh graduates who are going to get your first salary. There are some information and idea which can be tried for managing your salary properly.

Make the Proper Financial Plan


One of the simple ideas but is really important is to make your own financial plan. That is one of the solutions of how to arrange your first salary. What you need to do is to determine some items or parts where you are going to spend your salary for. Of course, you need to calculate how much money you need for your one-month expense. Then, you could not forget about any other expenditure parts, as like for the transportation, for giving or charity, investment, and also saving. You also need to consider about your bills, as like credit card bills, insurance bills, installments, and many others. So, you need to make the plan properly first and manage yet divide the money properly.

Create Two Different Accounts of Bank


Another good way for having the good solution on managing your first salary is by making two or more different accounts of bank. That is one of the ideas of how to arrange your first salary. So, what the bank accounts are for then? One of them is for your daily expenditure or for the money which you can spend in one month, and then the other is for investment, saving, and many others. That is including for the saving for the unforeseen needs which can happen or be needed anytime in sudden. That is why you need to have some more saving for it.

Charity, Investment and Saving


Never forget to also plan and manage your money for the charity, investment, and also saving. Sometimes we find something bad happen as like the natural disaster and it can happen anytime in sudden. Then, you can help the victims well by using your charity fund from your salary. Then, you also need to set aside your salary for your saving. That is for both the future aim and also for preparing the unforeseen needs. The investment is also really important to be set aside from your salary, for example for a business or even for buying gold as investment. That is one of the way on how to arrange your first salary.

Build the Business Continuity Planning in Digital Era

Build the Business Continuity Planning in Digital Era

Business continuity planning in digital era is very important. Sometimes the disaster comes without warning at the first step. In order to keep going on your business even though you just struck by something uneasy you will need the continuity planning. Actually there are several things you should consider in order to make the plan works. The plan should be tested so each person in the organization can be responsible with the plan.

How business continuity of disaster recovery plans differ

Businessman Hand Stop Dominoes Continuous Toppled

Well, the term of Business Continuity or BC refers to the effort in maintaining the function of the business very quickly. The main purpose is resuming the work after the attack that gives major issues such as disasters, attack from malicious, epidemic illness, flood, and fire. The plans are supposed to cover anything in the business such as the business partners, human resource, assets, and business process. Business Continuity planning is not similar with the Disaster Recovery. The DC is just recovering the IT operations and also the infrastructure while the BC is covering the whole organization.

Why the BC matters


Well, basically BC planning is really mattered no matter you have a small business or a very big company. The thing is you should stay competitive with others. Customers and clients are the best thing for company’s income. You also need to increase the customer base to grow your family. In other hands, there are lots of things that should be watched because the disaster will come without warn. The fun fact is you and your clients will know that your company is capable on anything big after big event that probably punch your company right on the face.

Create the business continuity plan for the first step


If until now you don’t have this BC thing for your organization, you should start with the rating on your process of business. You can see the vulnerable and weak spot on your company. Other than that, you will also see the potential loss if one day the process should be downed for days or more.

After the previous step is done, you should develop your plan. In order to make it much easier, you can use the plan templates available on the internet. The most common BC planning is the checklist that consists of equipment, supplies, backup sites, and the backup locations. Other than that, you also need to have the responder of emergency’s contact in case the disaster comes straight to your company.

Test your business continuity plan


As we have said, the plan should be tested before it is applied to your organization. An excellent plan would not be excellent if you did not test it yet. The test is also supposed to fulfill the purposes which are pretty intended. Many of big companies test their plan at least twice a year. The schedule should be adjusted with your organization and also the other supported things for the plan. Well, a company should have Business Continuity Planning.

Tips for Career Women who also Take Care of the Family

Tips for Career Women who also Take Care of the Family

Tips for career women who need to balance the kids and the job are very important. Basically you work to your need and your family needs. It cannot be denied if being a full-time working mother is not easy. You have to manage your time with your kids without sacrificing your time in work. In general speaking, you should stick with the plan, stay organized, and figure out about how to have balance life on the parenthood and profession. In this article we have several tips that probably will help you to balance your time and remove your headache.

Stay away from guilty feeling


As we have said earlier, you might work for your family as well as your kids so you do not need to feel guilty at all. You need to think that your place in the company is giving more benefits for the family than the drawbacks. By working, you can give the brighter study opportunity for your kids. If you have time, you can visit the mailing list that works on Working Mom Against Guilt just in case you need support from others with the same background as you.

Get the best quality for childcare


If you have kids and should leave them while you are working, you better get the recommendation from your friends or family for the childcare. You also need to write down the criteria that you need for the nannies or babysitter. If you have to leave them in the daycare center, you also get the profile of them or better with recommendation from your friend. Well, the tips for career women who want to balance their life should be helping though.

Ease up the morning routines


Since you have to start your day from the morning starts, you better make the routines become easier. Rather than get in a hurry in the morning, you better prepare and organize what should be brought in the night before. By preparing your stuff earlier, you can just do the lunch for your kids in tomorrow. If it is necessary you can also prepare the kids’ lunch and the clothes in the night before so you would not get frazzled in the morning.

Family calendar


Even though you are busy, it does not mean that you can put your family first. You can know the priority of the family by creating a family calendar. The calendar consists of the due date of the bill, the events list of your kids, birthday, and also many more.

Build your team at work and home


By having good team at work, you will be able to get to your kid’s event without have to sacrifice the work performance. By building good team at home, such as paying the full-time babysitter, will allow you to manage your work without have to worry about the kids at home. Well, good communication and trust each other should be the main key and this is the end of tips for career women.

7 Human Work that Replaced by Robot

7 Human Work that Replaced by Robot

Human work that replaced by robot is kind of the public’s secret nowadays. Those jobs are probably really bothering human or it can also due to the effectiveness so the works should be replaced by robot. Well, robotics is proving the existence of artificial intelligence but in other hands it also closes so many job opportunities for human. However, some experts believe that there will always be the new opportunity even though once is replaced. Well, in this article we have the list of human jobs that are done by robots.

Financial and sport reporter

The daily job of journalist is to gather the information, asking people for interview, answering so many questions, and of course writing all of it on the paper as the result. But surely the machine can make the information much readable and it also makes zero percent of disruption with human compared. This also helps the company in saving their budget while the real journalists do the more important things that need skill.

Online marketer

The fun fact is human is not learned to make a message that really makes the receiver open it or eventually buy a product. And apparently, the robot or machine can do that. Other than that, the machine can save the time because it can make two messages at once while human still made one. It is no wonder if there is human work replaced by robot.

Anesthesiologists, surgeons, and diagnosticians

The surgeons already have the system that designed to automatically response on the low-invasive procedure. Well, even though right now the doctor is still in charge but the machine is definitely does the simpler procedure with satisfying result. Other than that, the machine already found its path to remove the tumor from human’s tissue with simpler procedure than the doctor. It saves the time as well.

E-discovery lawyers and law firm associates

The discovery process in large lawsuits can take so many documents and those all should be reviewed. And basically it is kind of the lower-level job the paralegals and lawyers should do. Since there is new software that can do the job, humans are not needed anymore at least for this reviewing job.

Financial analyst and advisor

Analyze the financial from many sources can take the time and effort, even thought that is the main job of analysts. Other than that, it also needs the system that is able to predict, the large data, and computing stuff. This is why the robot or system itself is enough and great for this job.

Tellers and clerks

It cannot be denied if the bank branches are pretty pricey to maintain. The money for bank tellers that do so complicated job is kind of less than the expectation. Well, since the robot can replace the tellers’ and clerks’ jobs, it makes the opportunity to give the maintenance cost that less than teller’s salary without sacrificing the quality. Well, it is not that bad even though there is human work replaced by robot.

7 Reasons that Make Employees Comfortable in Working

7 Reasons that Make Employees Comfortable in Working

How to make employees comfortable in working can be very important for you as a boss. You should keep your employees happy and productive even though you did not promote them all at once or raise them so frequently. In general speaking it is like ordering pizza for all your employees as the snack or taking them on very nice trips together. Your employees need to refresh their mind to stay productive and happy even though they should work from 9-to-5 inside a building for 5 days in a week.

  • Stay Organized

No matter what position they are the employee need something organized. For example, it can start with important information that should be tracked. Papers, office supplies, spot to relax, the room layout, time management, and electronic information should be well organized in order to make them feel in the same page. It is the simplest thing you can do in how to make employees comfortable in working.

  1. Make it convenience

Comfortable atmosphere in the office is not only about the beautiful design or the layout but also it should pay much attention on the design that promotes the happiness of employee as well. But it also does not close the opportunity to take both the aesthetical point and happiness booster at once. For instant, you can put more cozy work chair and sturdy desk along with considered ventilation and circulation as well as perfect lighting.

  1. Give a word to everyone

Well, some entrepreneurs take this as an extreme movement. By putting the employee in a meeting or hearing their thoughts about the decision will make them feel so important in the office. Otherwise, you will not lose your whole business by letting the employee say their opinions.

  1. Openness and transparency

Even though the transparency and openness will not suit all team of workers, this can be a very interesting thing to make the collaboration works. For the example, the transparency and openness can solve the deadlock problems, sharing the information, good communication for each other, and mentoring. Good communication is the key of how to make employees comfortable in working.

  1. Workplace is a community

People will love the community concept rather than a-place-for-work concept. This is why as the boss you should bring this kind of atmosphere and impression as well as the concept in your office. Nothing is more important than happy and productive employee.

  1. Focus on utility

This is also closely related with the first point. If there is problem with the technology and it is well responded by you, it is not impossible if your employee will feel like working in their own home.

  1. Make the office optional

Sometimes you can make it as the flexible work day when your employee can do their job from home. It also helps the office owner to cut the office expenses since their employee has the chance to work at home. Other than that, it is a good point at how to make employees comfortable in working.

How to make the interviewer was impressed to you in just a short time

How to make the interviewer was impressed to you in just a short time

Here it is how to make the interviewer was impressed to you. There is a new research showed how to impress the employer less than 9 seconds. You may spend your time preparing the CV in hard copy or online version. Then the employer will judge only in few seconds the same time like you wait your coffee getting colder. So make sure your CV really is really good. Next is How to make the interviewer was impressed to you.

The first second

Keep it brief. Don’t apply the CV which has pages on it or pages online page which need to be scrolled down endlessly. Your CV will not be read. The employer doesn’t ask you to write a story. Just one page of your printed CV is more than enough.

The second second

Keep it standard. You can call it traditional. You can make your CV stand out but make sure it is not too much. The standard format will be easier to read. Choose the standard font and don’t use colorful paper. The employer will be more focused on the traditional format.

The third second

Be pertinent. You should explain the CV and profile in the clear way. Tell about your current job and why the job will show the experiences you have. Explain also your experiences related you the required job. Make sure this is visible. You can add your skills related to the job. You have to put those informations right at the top.

The fourth second

Don’t make the employer flinched. Don’t use slang words. Based on the research, the word ‘motivated’ is commonly used rather than ‘responsible’. The same goes such as ‘creative’, ‘passionate’ and ‘enthusiastic’. Don’t use them.

The fifth second

This chance is when the employer reads the specific phrases such as the current job, soft skills or some qualifications. This indicates whether you will be invited to have interview or not. Use important things so that those words steal the employer’s attention such as large fonts, bold or italic. Put the keywords in your profile so it will be easier to look for the terms.

The sixth second

Connect each other. The employer will also look at your networking. Focus on the social media which can be related to the job. You can mention other networking events you have ever had. This will show your commitment and the employer will see you the one who has many connections.

The seventh second

Be attractive. If you can stand almost in seven second then you are worth than the others. Don’t ruin this chance because you forget to tell about your life. Only hobby is acceptable to be mentioned in the CV. Don’t write about culture. However, if you have run marathon and it is for charity then you can write it.

The eighth second

No need to tell about the personal development on CV. Tell them only your soft skills which are related to the job. The examples are public speaking and presentation skills. Emphasize on those kinds of examples.

The ninth second

It’s over. When you are here then you win. They will contact you. The last second of how to create an interesting CV is that you should put your contact clearly. Use professional email address.

The Little Things That Make Your Application Was Rejected By the Company

The Little Things That Make Your Application Was Rejected By the Company

There are little things that make the application rejected. The company received hundreds applications and they only picked the applications they think the best. The reason may be different in each industry. Here are some common little things that make the application rejected.


It is okay if you apply the job which a bit under your qualifications. However, if you can seek the higher qualification, why not? People tend to put most of their time to make CV and applications talking about your experiences and high degree. You have to see things from employer’s sight as well. If the employer should only choose one person but he or she got fifty applications, don’t think about you are under qualified. The employer will put away the applications which don’t have relation with the experiences. The same thing goes the same as the degree class.


When the employer observes the CV, they anticipate the information stated is easy to understand. If your CV is not like that, then they will put in the dustbin right away. They will not waste time to look thoroughly on the bio searching the information while other CVs are clearer and more concise. It is better to make your CV easy and simple to read. Put the relevant information and encourage the key parts. Make sure the employer can easily see the key information.


Some people may be disappointed with the spelling error while actually they are qualified with the job. There are some reasons about it. When you apply the job, you should imagine that your CV is being compared by other ideal CV of ideal applicants. The company will hire only one person; imagine that there are more than 50 appliances. The applications are all the same but your application has many spelling errors. They will choose the perfect one. Actually, the problem is not only the spelling, but whether you give clear information to the employer or not. The spelling errors make the information not clear.


Imagine you are looking for one position and you got 50 applications on your table. Most of them look the same, they graduated from degree. However, there is no experience. You may think that you will lose the chances if you throw away 35 or 40 similar applications. But it’s not happened with the employer, they will only choose perhaps 5 applications which really stand out. That’s why you should make your applications different and can catch the attention of the employer. If not, then your application will not be read.


An unclear CV is not interesting even the covering letter stands out. Make your application personally. It’s better to relate the CV with the industry. It will need more work but it is the best way to get chosen.

Well, those are little things that make the application rejected. Some of them may sound ridiculous but you can rethink once more and imagine you are the employer. If you got many similar applications then you will choose the perfect one. Reread again before you sent your application or ask your family or friends to check.

5 Tips on Starting a Career at a Young Age

5 Tips on Starting a Career at a Young Age

The following tips on starting a career at a young age should help in guiding even kids to get brighter future than we can imagine. It has been proven that guiding young people to start a career earlier helps in strengthen their success in the future. Here is the tips worth to try.

Know Yourself and Your Talent

The key of success is by maximizing what you got. It doesn’t as simple as it sounds. You need to recognize your true talent especially on job. What are you very good at? It may not obvious at the first time, but you can ask other people about this. They may notice if you are good at something. You also need to find out if you have special interest on this field. If you think you have a lot of potential on it and you have personal interest on it, you should consider taking it as a career potential.

Engage on Developing Activities

When you find your focus, it is time to step on later stages. You need to think on activities that will improve the needed skills. If you want to be a photographer for example, you should join a photography club to learn on the basic skills and to try your skill on practice. This should make you even more ready than nothing. In addition to it, it helps you to develop soft skills related to the field. It helps you to maintain beneficial networking, and it helps you to get connected with people focusing on this field.

Join Internship Program

Internship program is a smart way to start your career. If you have a certain place you want to work at, you can start by being an intern. It may not let you experience the real feeling of your targeted position yet. However, it should let you experience the other details related to your work. In the mean time, this experience lets you understand the whole aspects related to the work. In addition to it, being in the company for years makes a solid foundation for your future path to your dreaming position. If you can keep a clear record, you should have bright future in there.

Surround Yourself with Positive Atmosphere

Tell your entire plan to people who care about this. Their support will be your solid thing to hold when things get real rough. You also need positive people who remind you on your focus and target as you will get distracted from time to time. These people are important assets for you, in which they appreciate your passion and love to see you on top in the end. Avoiding people who see you negatively will prevent you from huge distraction and discouragement.

Each of the recommended tips should need our consistency and discipline. It may take a lot more effort to start a career in a very early start. However, all people who tried this are proven to earn their current success. If you want such future too, you should try the tips on starting a career above.

How to Develop Soft Skills and Hard Skills to Progress Your Career

How to Develop Soft Skills and Hard Skills to Progress Your Career

How to develop soft skills and hard skills are things that must be considered by the student. Students who have the soft skills and hard skills are balanced to be able to answer the challenges of the working world for the world of work requires employees who have the hard skills and soft skills are balanced. A prospective employee are not only required to be academically smart but also must be able to socialize with the environment so that the employee is expected to be able to adapt quickly when placed in a variety of working conditions.

Definition of Soft Skills and Hard Skills

Soft skills are the talent, skills, and abilities that exist in every human being. Soft skill is an ability that is formed by non-technical. This capability does not have the form that this ability is called the inter-personal skills and personal. Personal Soft Skills is a useful ability for the sake of your own. Examples of these capabilities are able to control their emotions, always have positive thoughts, to accept the advice of others, able to manage time well, and so forth. All of these examples can be included in the category of soft skills. Soft inter-personal skills are abilities that are useful to others and yourself. Examples of this capability are that you can work together with others, can interact with other people, and so forth. Soft skills would not be complete without the hard skills. If you have hard skills are good, then you can become a man of high quality. This ability is related to knowledge and skills that we have. Hard skills are the ability to master technology, technical skills and knowledge related to a field of science. Hard skills are the technical skills necessary for a profession. An example is a mechanical engineer definitely needs work skills in the field of machinery and mastering a programming language. Hard skills are required to do the job properly. But one needs soft skills to be able to rise to higher level positions. Hard skills are skills related to the expected competencies in a scientific field.

Develop Soft Skills and Hard Skills

In the past we often hear that we should follow a formal education to get a job and make money, but the idea is now no longer appropriate. Field work requires not only smart people. If you look at job advertisements, then you definitely see the conditions proposed by a company when looking for employment that is able to solve problems, to work together in teams, have leadership skills, and so on. The requirement is a combination of hard skills and soft skills that must be owned by an employee. An employee must have soft skills. This ability is related to psychological terms so that each test into the company you will pass a psychological test. This test is used to determine a person’s personality. A person’s personality is very important in a company because the company requires employees with a good personality. The second development is the ability to be gained from formal education and experience outside formal education such as attending student organizations so that you can learn to communicate with people and am used to solve the problem. That is the explanation of how to develop soft skills and hard skills.